
Underware Day

The day after Independence Day had to be the second hottest day that weekend.  Temperatures were in the 90's and there was just no relief... except for our front porch and the baby pool in the back yard.

In the morning, we filled up the pool and let Corey splash around as Rowan napped in her swing and I attempted to revive our poor garden (if the heat does not kill it a pesky chipmunk will).  Corey pretended his shoe was a boat...  not sure why but eh...  it was "refreshing".

In the afternoon, Corey declared it "Underwear Day" because it was just too hot to wear clothes and since our porch was shady and there was a breeze Rowan joined him in her diaper (mommy did not partake in Underwear Day). 

I had to ask him how hot it was and his response was vague and rambling.  I think he just wanted to be alone and play with his "new" Fisher Price Main Street.

Corey had been bugging me for weeks to go to the toy store.  When I finally figured out he meant Big Fun I knew I had to take him.  I told him he had $3 to spend and when he spotted the main street I knew I was spending more then just $3.  They did give me a deal and we walked out of there with main street for $12 which if it had all of it's original parts would have been WAY out of the price range lol.

I love how Corey wants so much to play with Rowan now and how memorized she is with him.

I took a ton more pictures and you can see them here in Rowan's baby blog and the photo album here.


Plane Pull for Charity

Early Sunday morning I dragged the kids and my friend Danny out to the airport so I could pull a plane with my co-workers for charity and it was a blast.  Well, I loved it...  the kids, eh.  Danny, eh.  But one day, one day my kids will say mommy pulled a 737 plane!
 The hardest part was the heat.  No, maybe the hour and a half wait to finish registering (in the heat).  Or maybe it was just the heat.  At one point I think I heard the announcer say that the temperature on the tarmac had reached 100 degrees... I may have been delirious though.  Thankfully, the organizers had plenty of (free) water on hand and some company was giving away power drinks of some sort... 

My only regret was not getting a picture of Corey (and about 100 people) getting the sprayed by the firetrucks!  Yes, it was that hot and I was out in the middle of it trying not to get to wet but...  I got soaked right before we were suppose to pull the plane for the second time.  I quickly changed my (white) soaked t-shirt and was off to pull the plane. 

We did not win, we actually did not even place but it was still a lot of fun.  According to the PD some bar flies and muscle head won.  Still worth it.

This is Corey being patient.
 This is Rowan being super good.  Never cried, not once!
 The pulling of the plane.
You have to do it twice?

More photos on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2066151&id=1150984248&l=bb6da4e12b


The end...

The end of maternity leave came so fast I wanted to make the most of it so we spent the last week doing random acts of fun.  Kenneth and Corey went to see Shrek 4 and I took the kids to the zoo for free Monday.

Corey's favorite by far was and is the Boomerang Line Train that runs through the Australian Adventure.  I am positive that, if he could, he would ride it all day.  He could care less about the animals.  All he wanted to do was ride the train or cross the railroad track  He did like the giraffes and got a kick out of the birds but nothing topped the train ride.  

As for Miss Rowan...  she slept nearly the entire time.

The best part of the day (besides hanging out at the zoo) happened when we got home and I realized that I left the camera in the bathroom at the zoo.  I was frantic searching high and low for the thing and it dawned on me that I had hung it up on the hook as I was helping Corey in the bathroom (while wearing Rowan).  I phone the zoo and wouldn't you know it...  someone turned it in!  I did not believe it until I had the camera in my hands that someone turned it in! *phew*

The end of maternity leave also means the beginning of Summer!

We started going to Bradstreet's Landing right across from where Grandma Mary is staying...
And Corey played in the "pool" while I started our garden...
I love the Fisher-Price Take Along Swing (and not because of her colic) but how cute she is in resting under the tree :)

The beginning of summer was also the end of the gymnastics season...

Hopefully Corey will want to do it again in the fall but until then there is swimming lessons and soccer...  maybe golf?



Easter weekend I have to say was very unusual and I blogged about it here.  There was more then just her hospital stay though!  For one, Grandma and Pop pop Watson were in town and for two Corey had his first Easter egg hunt!  There is video of Olivia and Corey finding the eggs and until I can figure out how to download it (again) I will but in the mean time... pictures are below.

Before it was decided that we head to the hospital Saturday evening and after the Easter Bunny, Corey and I made our annual cake.  I opted this year not to make it with the Kool-aid  frosting recipe that I used with last year's cake - way too sweet.  As always, Master Corey did a great job with the decorating.  Click here to see pics of his cake and pics of him on the train at the mall.

We tried very hard to make everything as normal for Corey as possible during Rowan's stay in the hospital and the one thing I had been planning for weeks was an Easter egg hunt.  Kristin and Olivia were planning to come over for dinner as well as my friend Cathy from work.  I came home in the afternoon to have dinner with them and "host" the hunt.  I had to be extra sneaky though because Kenneth was not able to put the eggs out in the morning I had to while Corey was distracted.  What a big surprise it was for Corey when he saw what the Easter bunny left around our yard and as soon as Olivia arrived they were off to collect the eggs!

The best part was at the end when it cam down to the last egg (or what they thought was the last egg) and how Olivia very reluctantly gave it up to a very sad looking Corey who really wanted it and found it first but was just not fast enough.

I only wish I had that on video to see the two of them wordlessly battling for that last egg with looks and frowny faces.They eventually found several more eggs around the house and Corey even found one weeks later.  As you can see from the pictures below they were still both upset and I could not get a nice picture of the two of them.

Even thought the day was broken up and Kenneth and I were separated as we took turns staying with the baby I think we made for a pleasant holiday and many funny memories.


Love is...

Love is more then just an emotion but an action.

I read that today and wanted to take action remembering our family and all the special moments we share together.

Now that we are in an age of blogs, email and social websites...  I find it hard to sit down and physically keep a book of milestones and memories. So here our book.  Corey and Rowan will still have an individual space; this is for all the other times.  One day, maybe, I will print it out.  Until, then...